Damaged hair is the most common issue discussed with clients amongst hair stylists and something that can be easily fixed with the right knowledge and some TLC

If your hairstylist has recommended against the over processing in one visit to get to your desired style, there is usually only good intention behind it because you best believe they have seen it all.
Over processing at home or in the salon not only makes it harder to achieve your dream hair in the end, but causes long term damage to the follicles which will begin to show in the overall condition of your hair. So, if your wanting that "summer lift" its best to start with your stylist earlier and achieve your desired hair colour in safe stages, keeping your hair looking and feeling good (plus you avoid the morning-after mirror shock) In-between colour sessions, keep up with regular intense treatments to vitalise the hair. Try a Self Heating Oleic Oil Mask once a week for optimum results.

Of course its easy to just twirl dirty hair up or throw a hat on top but there is so many downfalls to neglecting your precious hair.
First, lets talk haircuts. Many people are scared to cut their hair in fear that it will not grow but in-fact it is the complete opposite. A slight trim and tidy up is always recommended and encouraged by hairstylists not only because it keeps your style looking in tact but for the same reason you would exfoliate dead skin. The ends of your hair are usually the most vulnerable, prone to breakage and always the last bits to be sizzled by heat. They need to go to encourage new growth and in doing this, also allow the healthy follicles to sprout with no distractions.
We recommend a slight trim/tidy up every time you have a chemical treatment (colour, perm, straighten etc) and regular trims every 6-8 weeks especially if you are trying to grow your hair out (Don't worry, your hair wont be short)
Secondly, hair washing and treating. There are many myths about hair washing - the whens, hows and so on, but in the end its very simple. There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to when and how to wash your hair but all in all it comes down to knowing how your hair feels and reacts to your day to day activities. The same principles apply for your skincare. If your hair is looking and feeling dirty, its very simple - wash it. It will do no favours for your entire body if your trying to keep it for a few more days - you wouldn't go 2 weeks without washing your face, would you?
The cells on the scalp are like any other on the body and require cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising. This comes down to your haircare. Some hair types can not handle heavy conditioners and prefer to soak up moisturising oils on dry hair, and some the opposite. It is always best to speak with your hairstylist and discover the best routine and line up for your specific hair type. Once you have found the right rhythm, your hair will thank you for it and show its full potential.

Lets look at it this way:
Earth aka Heavy oils, Dirt, Synthetic materials
Air aka Humidity, Cold, Warmth, Smoke, Synthetic fragrances etc
Fire aka Synthetic heat styling
Water aka Sea water, Chemical pool water, Hot water when washing hair
All of the above have an impact on the overall health and condition of your hair and its important to identify whats causing the problem. Some are controlled and some are un-controllable but in the end its how you manage to maintain the impact on your hair because these elements will always be around.
For Earth impacts - look for a cleansing routine with clean products such as Catania Gugo Bark Shampoo
For Air impacts - use products that master the issues rather then mask
For Fire impacts - use heat protecting products and tools when styling, always and always remember too add an extra bit hydration after a long day of laying in the sun. | Try Endure Moisture Hydrate spray and Catania Technology Negative Ion Hydration Dryer |
For Water impacts - treat the hair before and after influence to ensure protection

With the simple guidance from your hairstylist it is easy to have your hair looking and feeling its best in no time! Its important to know the root cause of your damaged hair because not only does it help to recover, but it also prevents future damage and allows your hair to be looking its best luscious self, always!